Modified fall athletics begin today, September 4 for students that have been previously registered. Please see the schedule attached.
Modified Volleyball - Coach Samuels
Info meeting: Wednesday 9/4 first day of school for both 7th and 8th grade in the gym.
Tryouts for 7th grade: Thursday 9/5, Monday 9/9, Wednesday 9/11
Tryouts for 8th grade: Friday 9/6, Tuesday 9/10, Thursday 9,12
Modified Girls Soccer- Coach Virgadamo
Tryouts will begin on Wednesday September 4
OUTDOOR TRYOUT SCHEDULE Wednesday 9/4: 2:30-4pm
Thursday 9/5: 2:30-4pm
Friday 9/6: 2:30-4pm
Monday 9/9: 2:30-4pm
Tuesday 9/10: 2:30-4pm
Modified Boys Soccer- Coach Romano
Meeting Wednesday 9/4: 3:15 in the cafeteria to discuss tryouts & expectations for all interested students.
Tryouts will be separated by grade
Thursday, September 5th for 7th
Friday September 6th for 8th graders.
All athletes should come to tryouts prepared with shin guards, cleats, and water.
Modified Cross Country- Coach Nacerino & Coach Brouty
Meeting, Friday September 9/6, 2:30pm in room 228 of the Middle School