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WCSD welcomes students on first day of school

WCSD welcomes students on first day of school

High schoolers and middle schoolers came to school on the first day cool with confidence and looking for their friends to catch up. At the elementary schools, however, the anticipation was absolutely palpable as students shined when they were greeted by administrators, teachers and staff.

WHS students on first day of school

Posing with her “First Day of Fourth-Grade” sign out front of Taft Elementary School, Fern Latta was looking forward to joining Jason Anson’s classroom in just a few minutes. She was being dropped off by her mom, Joanna Fay. Fern was excited about what she’ll be learning this year in math, her favorite subject.

“I just feel math is a lot easier than reading and writing,” Fern said.

“It’s just satisfying, right?” said Ms. Fay, looking at Fern. “There’s an end to it. Like you find a solution, and it’s gratifying.”
“Yeah, it’s gratifying,” Fern confirmed.

The day marked the end of the summer for Fern, who went to the beach in Delaware and participated in summer camps – tennis, dance, and art – as well as the Taft school camp. For Ms. Fay, the day marked another new beginning to the school year.

“It’s always a little sad to see them, bittersweet I guess, to see them move on to the next grade,” Ms. Fay said. “And, you’re just always hopeful that it will be a really good year.”

Taft administrators, teachers and staff were also happy to begin the school year routine again, greeting students with hugs and high fives.

“We are so excited to welcome our new and returning students,” said Taft Principal Christine Williams. “From our teachers, to our administrators and our staff, we are all looking forward to a great new school year – as always. We are also excited about introducing our students to our new assistant principal, Mrs. Jeannette Adon.”

The excitement surrounding the first day of school carried over to Round Hill Elementary where students began their day chatting with friends over breakfast.

“I can’t wait to meet my new teacher,” said first grader Quinn Migliorni. “I’m really excited to learn new things and make new friends.”

Quinn was joined by her sister, Cassidy, who is in the fifth grade and expressed sadness that this would be her last year at Round Hill.

“I’m going to miss my teachers,” said Cassidy. “I won’t be able to see them every day but I know that I’ll be going to a new school where I’ll meet new kids and have new opportunities.”

Roseilusion Diaz, who is also a fifth-grader, is looking forward to joining a clubs and focusing on science and math classes. “I hope to be able to join tennis again or maybe soccer. Next year, I’ll be in middle school and I’m excited about that as well.”

Other students are just beginning their journey, like Alaina Matovic who is a freshman at Washingtonville High School. “I’m new this year so I’m hoping to make new friends. I also want to try out the Masque and Mime Club.”

Faculty and staff all over WCSD welcomed their students back with warm smiles and hugs, preparing for a school year full of learning and growth. 

“I’m always excited for the first day of school,” said Ashira King-Wilson who is one of the assistant principals at Washingtonville Middle School. “I’m looking forward to making everyone feel welcome to the district.”

“We’re always excited to welcome our students back to the learning environment,” said Renee Henry, who is a special education teacher at WMS. “I’m looking forward to a successful school year with lots of learning and fun.”

Superintendent Dr. Larry Washington and Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Marguerite Fusco smiling for photo with Little britain teacher

Little Britain Elementary School also welcomed their students back this morning and after a successful arrival, students began their day learning about each other, different classroom rules, and a few students even shared what they did over the summer with Principal Dr. Christopher Barrie as he walked around the school to check in with everyone. 

Superintendent Dr. Larry Washington also visited classrooms at Little Britain, along with Sandra Clohessy, Superintendent of Business, and Marguerite Fusco, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction. They spoke with students and teachers about their summers and extended well wishes for the new school year. 

Sienna Smith, a first grade student at Little Britain enjoyed the nice weather during recess and shared what she is excited about for the school year. “I’m excited to color and I also want to make new friends.”

“I’m excited for math this year,” said Scarlet Canzona who is also a first grader at LB. “I get to learn different things in math, which I really like.”

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