User Expectations
The Board of Education supports access by parents/guardians, middle and high school students, teachers, and administrators to informational resources that will improve participation in a child's education and improve communication between parents/guardians and the student's teacher(s).
The Washingtonville Central School District manages student information electronically and will make student education records available for viewing only to authorized parents/guardians and middle/high school students. All eligible parties will be expected to comply with the District's Acceptable Use Policy for the SchoolTool Portal and all technology regulations/procedures, as well as all other District policies that may apply.
Access to the SchoolTool Portal is a free service offered to all parents and legal guardians of Washingtonville Central School District students and current middle & high school students. Once a student withdraws or graduates from the Washingtonville Central School District, their account will be deactivated. Each parent/guardian of a student who is currently enrolled in grades K -12 is eligible to apply for access to the SchoolTool Portal by signing the Portal Agreement. After receipt of the Portal Agreement, the District will establish a parent/guardian account.
Information Accuracy Responsibilities
Information accuracy is the joint responsibility of schools, parents/guardians, and students. Each school will make every attempt to ensure that information is accurate and complete. If a parent/guardian discovers any inaccurate information, they should notify their school immediately.
Accessible Information
The Washingtonville Central School District reserves the right to add, modify or delete functions viewed through the SchoolTool Portal at any time without notice.
Use of the System
Parents/guardians and students are required to adhere to the following guidelines:
- Users will act in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner.
- Users will not attempt to harm or destroy the school or the District's data or networks.
- Users will not attempt to access an account assigned to another user.
- Users will not use this Portal's information for any illegal activity, including violating Federal and State
- Data Privacy laws. Anyone found to violate these laws may be subject to civil and/or criminal prosecution.
- Users who identify a security problem within the Portal must notify the Director of Data Services immediately, without demonstrating the problem to anyone else.
- Account-holders are responsible for protecting their passwords.
- Users will not share their password.
- Users will not set their computers to automatically login to the SchoolTool Portal.
Security Features
- Three unsuccessful login attempts will disable the user's account. Until the District has verified the assigned user to the locked account, the account will remain locked. To use the account again, the user will need to email SchoolTool Portal Support at
- Users will be automatically logged off when they leave their web browser open and inactive for 30 minutes.
- The parent/guardian's account will be deactivated when they no longer have a child actively enrolled in the Washingtonville Central School District, or a court action denies the parent/guardian access to the student's information.
System Requirements and Support
System Requirements
- You may access the Portal from any computer with Internet connectivity and an up-to-date web browser.
- The Portal is best accessed from a personal computer with the most current operating system version. The District recommends using a Chrome web browser.
Portal Help
- For portal assistance with login and access issues, send an email from your registered email account to Include your name and a description of the problem with your request.
- We can only offer support via email. Please do not call the District directly for telephone support regarding Portal issues.
- We cannot offer any technical support other than for login to the Portal.
- For assistance with data issues such as attendance and grades, after speaking with your child, please contact the appropriate school personnel, guidance office for middle/high school, main office for elementary school.
Portal Access and Use
- When parents/guardians are enrolling their child or children, the parents/guardians should complete the Portal Agreement. Current parents/guardians need to complete one Portal Agreement form for portal access to all data for their child/children.
- After the student is actively enrolled in the District, the parents/guardians or student requesting the account will be provided with a password by email.
- The password is used by the user to create their secure account.
- The system will be unavailable due to regular system maintenance between the hours of midnight and 5:00 a.m.