Facilities Use
Thinking about using a district facility?
Visit the “Community View Calendar” to see what dates and times are open. You can search by days, weeks, months, event, organization or building. Then follow the “Facility Use Form” on the right to get started.
Fee Structure
Annual Application Fee
A non-refundable $25 application fee will be charged for each application. The application fee must be submitted with the application and sent to the Buildings and Grounds Office. An application will not be accepted without the fee.
Groups such as the Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts will be charged one application fee per troop for each school year. If a troop schedules other events during the year, they do not have to pay another application fee. This fee will cover all events for the troop for the school year.
PTA groups do not pay the application fee.
Groups that schedule use of District gyms and/or fields will be charged one application fee for the year.
All other groups must pay the application fee with the Facilities Use Organization/Annual Application Request Form
Payment of the application fee must be by check payable to the Washingtonville Central School District.
After-Normal School Hours Fee
Washingtonville CSD groups/organizations are defined as groups/organizations that are located within the geographic area covered by the District. These groups/organizations will be charged an hourly custodial fee at a rate determined by the District Board of Education for after normal working hours.
Non-payment of invoices voids future use of facilities until all outstanding invoices are paid.
Any use of District kitchens requires school lunch personnel to be on site. The group/organization will be charged based on the total hours worked. Rates are determined by the District Board of Education.
If security is required, as determined by the District, the hourly security fee after normal working hours will be charged at a rate determined by the District Board of Education.
Required Insurance
All users must provide a certificate of insurance prior to the scheduling of the facility use application. Failure to do so will result in revocation of your permit.
- The user hereby agrees to name the Washingtonville Central School District as an unrestricted additional insured on the user’s policy.
- The policy should name the District as additional insured and shall:
be an insurance policy from an A.M. Best rated “secured” New York State insurer, permitted to do business in New York State.
contain a 30-day notice of cancellation.
state that the organization’s coverage shall be primary and non-contributory coverage for the district, its Board, employees and volunteers.
- additional insured status shall be provided with ISO endorsement CG 20 26 11 85 or its equivalent.
The user agrees to indemnify the District for any applicable deductibles.
Required Minimum Insurance:
Commercial General Liability Insurance - $1,000,000 per occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate
User acknowledges that failure to obtain such insurance on behalf of the District constitutes a material breach of contract and subjects it to liability for damages, indemnification and all other legal remedies available to the District. The user must provide the District with a Certificate of Insurance and additional insured Endorsement, evidencing the above requirements have been met. The failure of the District to object to the contents of the certificate or the absence of same shall not be deemed a waiver of any and all rights held by the District. The permittee must provide the District with a certificate of insurance, evidencing the above requirements have been met, prior to scheduling the facility use.
If the insurance certificate expires prior to the end of the term of the facility use, the user will not be permitted to use the facilities until a new certificate of insurance is provided.
The user further acknowledges that the procurement of such insurance as required herein is intended to benefit not only the District but also Utica National, as the District’s insurer.
Required Insurance Updates
Link: Abuse or Molestation Liability coverage Part (Including Sexual Misconduct or Sexual Molestation)
Insurance Requirements- Use of facilities (including organized athletic activities & athletic recreation camps)
- Notwithstanding any terms, conditions or provisions, in any other writing between the parties, the facility user hereby agrees to effectuate the naming of the District as an Additional Insured on the facility user's insurance policies, except for workers' compensation and N.Y. State Disability insurance.
- The policy naming the District as an Additional Insured shall:
- Be an insurance policy from an A.M. Best A- rated or better insurer, licensed to conduct business in New York State. A New York licensed and admitted insurer is strongly preferred. The decision to accept non-licensed and non-admitted carriers lies exclusively with the District and may create significant vulnerability and costs for the District.
- State that the organization's coverage shall be primary and non-contributory coverage for the District, its Board, employees and volunteers with a waiver of subrogation in favor of the District.
- Additional insured status shall be provided by standard or other endorsements that extend coverage to the District (CG 20 26) or equivalent. The decision to accept an endorsement rests solely with the District. A completed copy of the endorsements must be attached to the Certificate of Insurance.
- The certificate of insurance must describe the services provided by the facility user that are covered by the liability policies.
- The facility user agrees to indemnify the District for applicable deductibles and self-insured retentions.
Insurance requirements: Food trucks and trailers
- Notwithstanding any terms, conditions, or provisions, in any other writing between the parties, the food truck vendor hereby agrees to effectuate the naming of the District as an Additional Insured on the food truck vendor insurance policies, except for workers; compensation and N.Y. State Disability insurance.
- The policy naming the District as an Additional Insured shall:
- Be an insurance policy from an A.M. Best A- rated or better insurer, licensed to conduct business in New York State. A New York licensed and admitted insurer is strongly preferred. The decision to accept non-licensed and non-admitted carriers lies exclusively with the District and may create significant vulnerability and costs for the District.
- State that the organization coverage shall be primary and non-contributory coverage for the District, its Board, employees and volunteers with a waiver of subrogation in favor of the District.
- Additional insured status shall be provided by standard or other endorsements that extend coverage to the District for on-going operations (CG 20 38) and products and completed operations (CG 20 37). The decision to accept an endorsement rests solely with the District. A completed copy of the endorsements must be attached to the Certificate of Insurance.
- At the District' request, the food truck vendor shall provide a copy of the declaration page of the liability and umbrella/excess policies with a list of endorsements and forms. If requested, the food truck vendor will provide a copy of the policy endorsements and forms.
- The food truck vendor agrees to indemnify the District for applicable deductibles and self-insured retentions.
When the District is closed or dismisses early for weather or other emergency condition, all buildings are closed to outside groups.
All buildings are closed to outside groups on days designated as "buildings closed holidays" and conference days.
If the District requires the use of the facility, even if previously approved with the user, the District’s use will take priority and the facility use may be cancelled or rescheduled.
Public Use of School Facilities
The Board of Education recognizes the capital investment the district has in its school plant and facilities and believes that these buildings and facilities should be used for legitimate community use within the framework outlined by Education Law.
Education Law states in part that a Board may permit the use of school buildings and grounds, to non-profit organizations when not in use for school purposes, for any of the following purposes:
“For holding social, civic and recreational meetings and entertainment, and other uses pertaining to the welfare of the community; but such meetings, entertainment and uses shall be non-exclusive and shall be open to the general public.
For meetings, entertainment and occasions where admission fees are charged, when the proceeds thereof are to be expended for the educational or charitable purpose; but such use shall not be permitted if such meetings, entertainment and occasions are under the exclusive control, and the said proceeds are to be applied for the benefit of a society, association or organization of a religious sect or denomination, or of a fraternal, secret or exclusive society of organization other than organizations of veterans of the military, naval and marine service of the United States and organizations of volunteer firefighters or volunteer ambulance workers” (Education Law – 414).
The Board encourages the use of its facilities by groups and organizations when their purposes and objectives contribute to the benefit of the school district or the school community – and has directed the school administration to develop and promulgate administrative regulations.
To Enter a request:
Check out the "Community View Calendar" to see what dates, times and facilities are open. The calendar is an easy way to see what's scheduled when at every district facility! You can search by days, weeks, months - by event, organization or building.
More Information
- Section I – Annual Permit Application / "New Schedule Request”
- Section II – Priority
- Section III – Rules and Regulations
- Section IV – Facility Use Fees/Rates
Section I – Annual Permit Application / "New Schedule Request”
An annual application for a permit to use school buildings and grounds must be submitted electronically at least two weeks prior to the use date.
A completed application consists of:
(Done prior to the Permit Application Above)
Facilities Use Organization/Annual Application Forms are available HERE -- It may be downloaded and completed by hand.
$25 annual application fee payable to Washingtonville CSD -- Check may be mailed separately.
Proof of general liability insurance (See Required Insurance)
Non-Profit Certificate 501(c) (3)
The Completed Application can be sent as follows:
Alisa McCarthy, Washingtonville CSD
50 West Main Street Washingtonville, NY 10992
via FAX
amccarthy@wcsdk12.org mailto:amccarthy@wcsdk12.org
The permit application will be reviewed to ascertain whether the area requested has been reserved or is available.
Upon approval by the Principal and/or Athletic Director, the Application will be forwarded to the office of the Assistant Superintendent of Operations and Safety.
The Assistant Superintendent of Operations and Safety will approve or disapprove the Application and notify the applicant. by forwarding the approval and activation notice to the individual group requesting the facility.
Section II – Priority
Priorities established for the use of school buildings or grounds are as follows:
First priority use is reserved for direct District and school-related activities. These are school activities such as athletic practices, athletic contests, meetings, plays, programs, etc. which are run by school personnel. Most of these activities are considered an extension of the regular school program. Activities and programs, which are run by the PTA for students and the community, will have priority after the District and school-related activities.
Second priority use is reserved for non-profit organizations that are actually located within the confines of the Washingtonville Central School District boundaries. Examples of these groups who have traditionally used the school facilities and fall within this category are as follows: scouts, village and/or town recreation programs, village and/or town fire departments, village and/or town police departments and/or cultural societies.
Section III – Rules and Regulations
All permits shall be issued in accordance with the following terms and conditions, which the Board of Education may, from time to time, amend.
The school district has the right to refuse any group that is determined by the School District to be too large to accommodate in the school building and/or grounds.
Groups I and II will schedule use, to the best of their ability, so as to limit school building use to normal business hours. This “best effort” will reduce the school district’s cost to operate a building when it is normally closed.
In order to facilitate the cleaning of buildings, a schedule for use of various facilities has been developed by each Building Principal. Based upon cleaning needs of each facility, it is possible that applications may not be approved to allow for scheduling cleaning of various areas.
Should a facility be used by a municipality for the purpose of registration or voting at a time when custodial service is not normally available, the fee for custodial services, as described in the aforementioned, will be waived.
Should a group require custodial services at a time when custodians are not normally on duty, arrangements must be made for a custodian through the Building Principal. If in the opinion of the Building Principal the time required by custodial personnel is significant, the custodian(s) will be paid overtime by the district and the group will reimburse the district for such expenses. The custodian must be paid a minimum of three hours pay in cases in which an organization cancels the use of a facility within twenty-four (24) hours of the actual use. Movement of equipment requires a custodian and, therefore, equipment may not be moved without first consulting a custodian.
If a group does not show up for a scheduled facility use and does not notify the District/School Custodian, the group will be charged the district fees for the time the group was scheduled to use the facility.
If the school kitchen is used for cooking purposes, a school district cafeteria employee must be present. The entire procedure would be under the employee’s supervision including any clean up of the kitchen that must be accomplished after the program. Payment for the cafeteria employee will be based upon the actual amount paid to the individual on duty at the time. Payment will be made to the individual by the school district, and the organization using the facilities will be billed to reimburse the school district. The cafeteria employee must be paid a minimum of three hours pay in cases in which the organization cancels the use of a facility within twenty-four (24) hours of the actual use.
Any group that plans to prepare or serve food on Washingtonville Central School District property must obtain and display a Temporary Food Service permit from Orange County Department of Health. This applies to use of any of the District’s kitchens, including the concession stand at the main athletic field campus. Contact the Orange County Department of Health to obtain the Temporary Food Service Permit:
https://www.orangecountygov.com/DocumentCenter/View/4262/Non-Commercial-TemporaryFood-Service-Establishment-Application-PDF?bidId= -
No special equipment that is the property of the school district shall be used by an organization unless specific approval has been granted at the School District’s sole discretion. If the request is granted:
Building and grounds must be left in the same condition in which they were found. The applicant must agree in advance to promptly pay for any loss or damage occurring during the use of buildings and/or grounds.
Adequate adult supervision must be provided at all times and it is the responsibility of the organization using the facility to provide that supervision.
The use of alcoholic beverages, drugs and tobacco products is strictly prohibited.
Putting up decorations or scenery, or moving pianos, or other furniture is prohibited unless the Building Principal grants special permission. Movement of furniture and equipment requires a custodian; therefore, furniture may not be moved without first consulting a custodian.
Items may not be sold, exhibited, or displayed without the permission of the Building Principal.
Parking will be in designated areas only.
Groups will not be allowed to use lobbies or hallways for events.
While the Board of Education carries adequate liability insurance for its own protection, all organizations granted permission to use school facilities are responsible for providing the required insurance naming the school district as additional insured, as well as any additional insurance that they deem necessary for their own protection or as the Board may require. The certificate of insurance showing evidence of at least the minimum required insurance and naming the school district as an additional insured, covering the duration of the facility use, must be submitted along with the Application prior to the actual use of the facility.
The school district will assume no responsibility for personal property left on the premises by the applicant.
The school fiscal year extends from July 1st to June 30th. Applications for use may be made at any time during this period. All Applications will be terminated on June 30th of any given year and groups must reapply for use during the subsequent year. Application for any given school fiscal year may not be made until July 1st.
All groups will abide by all rules and regulations established by the Board of Education. Groups who violate such rules and regulations will receive a letter outlining the violations with a warning regarding future violations. Should violations reoccur, no further facility uses will be scheduled and, if there are any current approval usages, the approval for use of the facility will be cancelled.
Representatives of groups must agree to be present at any meeting regarding the use of facilities called by the Building Principal of the facility used.
The use of a school facility is secondary to the Educational Program and related activities and programs, and use by non-school related organizations may be cancelled temporarily or permanently if the facility is needed for a school purpose.
Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Board of Education reserves the right to deny the use of school facilities to anyone if, in the opinion of the Board, it would not be in the best interest of the school district.
No keys to district facilities shall be given to any group. A school district employee must be on duty during the period that the facilities are being used. If a district employee is unavailable, the facility cannot be used.
Because of the numerous groups within the district that may want to use buildings, no one group shall be issued a permit so as to exclude other groups.
Use of facilities during the summer months may be limited so as to recognize the need for summer refurbishing of the district’s buildings and grounds.
Organizations using school buildings and grounds shall not sell, dispense, or permit the consumption of alcoholic beverages, the use of drugs or tobacco products of any type on school district property.
Children will not be in district building(s) and grounds without adult supervision (21 years of age or older)
Participants may only use the room or area stated on the Application for which use permission was granted.
Doors are never to be propped open.
Those who use the facilities are required to clean up after using the room(s) or areas.
No animals (except service animals).
Those who use the facilities shall leave the premises at the hour specified on the Application Form.
Approval for use of facilities is not considered final until a final electronic activation email is received.
A copy of the activation email needs to be printed and must be available to present and to gain access into the building.
The activation email notification is considered the permit.
The permit shall be valid only for use of the particular area of the premises on the date or dates, at the hours, and for the purposes specified in the permit.
The permit shall be exhibited, upon request, to any representative of the Board, school district representative, principal, or custodial staff who request it.
The permit is not transferable.
Any permit may be cancelled without notice for failure to comply with the rules and regulations of the Board of Education or the Supervising Principal.
All Federal and State Laws, Local Ordinances, and rules of the Police and Fire Departments regarding public assemblies MUST be strictly obeyed.
The services of a custodian do not include erecting, or dismantling of scenery or equipment unless such scenery or equipment is the property of the Board of Education and such work is authorized by the school authority.
Scenery, plants, and other equipment provided by the holder of a permit must be removed from the building or permit area promptly after the termination of the use so as not to interfere with school activities, unless other arrangements have been made.
The Board of Education, or its representative, shall at all times have free access to all parts of the school premises.
The Permit holder assumes full responsibility for the preservation of order in the school buildings and grounds.
Charges for use of school premises shall be imposed in accordance with the schedule of rates set forth herein. Any such charges may be reduced or waived by the Board of Education when, in its discretion, such reduction or waiver is warranted. Invoices will be sent monthly to include Custodial and Security charges. All fees will be paid by check payable to Washingtonville Central School District and must be submitted to the office of the Director of Buildings and Grounds. Any group with a balance for prior use will be denied access.
It shall be the responsibility of the school district to ensure that playground facilities are kept in a clean, safe and healthy condition. All playground facility users are to have one adult supervisor for every 12 children. An adult supervisor shall be 21 years of age or older.
Prior to the start of the event, an announcement should be made to your group regarding emergency evacuation procedures. For example, point out posted procedures, directions for exiting, how to respond to fire alarms, etc.
In the event of an accident, please notify the custodian on duty, or call the business office the next morning.
Profanity, objectionable language, disorderly acts or illegal activities of any kind are absolutely prohibited, and those violating this prohibition will be ejected from the premises and not permitted to use the District facilities.
Any damage to District facilities shall be promptly repaired at the user’s expense.
Any group expecting 200 or more participants must first meet with Assistant Superintendent of Operations and Safety to develop an appropriate security and safety plan. The final copy of the plan should be submitted with the permit at the time the application is filed.
Section IV – Facility Use Fees/Rates
A fee will not be charged for direct school-related activity.
GROUP II - Non-Profit Organizations within WCSD
An hourly rate will be charged to cover the school district staff during non-school hours.
Group III - Additional Rates
Fee is per custodian with a three-hour minimum
One custodian is needed for 150 people or fewer or at discretion of the School District
Additional Custodians may be necessary for each additional 250 people in attendance.
1 Custodian – 150 people
2 Custodians – 151 people to 400 people
3 Custodians – 401 people to 650 people, etc.
- High School Auditorium Director (Required): Event fee determined by the District Board of Education
Custodial Fee (Required): Hourly rate determined by the District Board of Education
Air Conditioning: Hourly rate determined by the District Board of Education
Lighting, Sound, Stage Crew: Hourly rate determined by the District Board of Education
Further lighting and sound options are available upon request
Community organizations (including Booster Clubs)
In addition to Custodial, AC, Lighting, Sound and Stage Crew fees, a WHS Auditorium Director fee per event, as determined by the District Board of Education, along with a $25 application fee, will be invoiced following approval of your event. The custodial fee will include one hour prior to the event to open the building and a minimum of two hours following the event to clean and secure the facility.
Sound/Light Technician
NOTE: This fee is for any time that this service is required.
School Lunch Personnel
NOTE: Fee is charged anytime that this service is required
- Hourly rate is determined by the District BOE per security personnel.
NOTE: The security needs will be based on the number of participants and type of function. The number of security personnel will be at the school district’s discretion.
School Kitchen Facilities/Sound & Light Equipment - Group II
When outside organizations request the use of the school district’s kitchen facilities, a staff member from the school district’s cafeteria staff must be available. All arrangements for use of kitchens shall go through the Food Service Manager for his/her approval. A fee will be charged.
When outside organizations request the use of the school district’s Sound/Light equipment, a staff member from the school district’s Sound/Light Technicians must be present. A fee will be charged.
Please notify all appropriate persons within your organizations of this existing lifesaving equipment on District property in advance of an actual emergency during an event.
I have read and understand the fee schedule as presented above and would like to continue my Facilities Use Organization/Annual Application Request Form at the Washingtonville Central School District by clicking the link below:
For further information about AED/911 Emergency Boxes, contact WCSD Building and Grounds at (845) 497-4000 ext. 27102.